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마운트에서 암바스위치 (Armbar switch from mount)

by Boribori:3 2018. 1. 16.

#Armbar switch from mount.


1. Mount- > Grab her lapel

Then she is gonna hold my arm to attept bridge or something

2. Push her arm away(but keep it holded) and  go for S mount, trying armbar.

But she protects herself from my armbar grip, folding her own arm, and it's very difficult to pull it out.


3. Grab her arm sliding my hand passing it under her wrist (which is on the top)

and go right away to switch the s-mount to the other side.


4. Grab her wrist and put my bottom leg on her getting her arm locked up  , then lower my body slightly putting my weight while pulling her arm .



