반응형 Jiujiteira/기술노트45 Half guard sweep variation For me half guard is one of the most difficult guard techniques . Never have used this in competitions as I never have successed it in sparrings.. But maybe someday..? T.T #Half guard tips 1. Stay active! Don't let him settle on me. Keep on doing something to prevent myself from getting squashed. 2. Head control Tuck my head deep under my opponent which makes it much harder for him to gain head .. 2019. 7. 20. single leg x guard pass varitation 1. grab her collar . (If I don't grab it, i'll get swept when she push me back) 2. put pressure on the knee, and pull her foot away using my hand and hip. 3. backstep a. knee on belly b. arm lock c. arm lock -> the other side's arm bar d. backtake single leg x guard pass 2019. 4. 21. single leg x guard sweep (when she's down on her knee) single leg x gaurd -> if she goes down on her knee, scoop her leg on my shoulder and.. a) waiter sweep b) waiter sweep fail -> backtake c) overhead sweep d) flower sweep (?) single leg x guard sweep 2019. 4. 21. counters for collar and spider guard pass when he tries to pass the collar and spider guard pushing away my leg on his pelvis, 1) reverse de la riva -> single leg takedown 2) reverse de la riva -> when he tris to pass it by grabing my back of neck collar and pushing me back 3) when I can't reach his free leg 2019. 1. 27. collar and sleeve guard sweep/submission 1. collar and sleeve guard -> scissor sweep 2. scissor sweep fail -> triangle 3. hard to set up triangle -> omoplata *tip: control his free arm with my foot at her bicep during this gurad. (Reference: 2018/07/02 - collar & sleeve guard to submissions ) 2019. 1. 17. 싯업가드 패스(passing sit up guard) 싯업가드 패스 2019. 1. 10. 데라히바 가드 패스 1, 2, 3, 4 데라히바 가드 패스 1. 2. 3. 4 2019. 1. 6. 베림보로 레그드래그(berimbolo leg drag) 몸치인 내겐 정말 어려운 기술, 베림보로 1. 데라히바에서 상대 넘어뜨린 후 베림보로가서 빽 2. 베림보로 하려는데 상대가 도망가서 멀리 떨어지면 레그드래그 글로 설명하긴 어려우므로 동영상 관장님 늘 크신 인내 감사드립니다.. 즐거운 (?) 월요일 점심시간 ~! 2018. 12. 17. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 6 다음