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bow and arrow choke from backtake (보우 앤 애로우 초크)

by Boribori:3 2017. 12. 21.

1) Backtake with seatbelt grip

- One hand goes under her armpit and the other goes over her shoulder. (=seatbelt grip)

- seatbelt grip tip: my bottom hand(under her armpit) grabs the top's hand.

- but grab the edge of my hand, not my wrist.



2)Weak-side of the backtake

-When I have her back with seatbelt grip, to finish her easily, I want to be on the 'strong side'.

And this 'strong-side' means the side where my arm comes over her shoulder(=overhook-side).

And this overhook-side arm is usually for the attack.(for applying the choke.) 

- But when I am on the 'weak-side' of rear mount (=the side where my underhook. of course not on my purpose..),

it's more difficult to choke out her because it's much easier for her to escape .

So.. This technique is for this tricky situation when I want to finish her on the weak side of rearmount.



3) Bow and arrow choke from weak-side of backtake

Grab her lapel deeply with the overhook-hand first, and then grab it with the underhook-hand as well.

(tip: Open up the lapel with underhook-hand so that my other hand can grab it easily)

-place my right leg on the mat to use it as a leverage so I can move out my hips and put the left leg over her belly.

-Place my right leg over her arm so that I can close and lock her with my both legs.

-grab the cloth on her leg and pull it towards me as I shift my hips out.

Now I can see why this technique called a 'bow and arrow choke'.

- > When I do it to her she arches backward like a bow shape, while i stay straight like a arrow.

This is one of the most powerful chokes from the back position.!





