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데라히바에서 백 (backtake from de la riva)

by Boribori:3 2017. 11. 25.

#Backtake from de la riva


-De la riva setting

 (left leg: make a DLR hook

   right leg: on his pelvis controlling the distance

   left hand: grab his ankle

    right hand: grab his right arm sleeve )

- place my right leg on the mat and move my hips closer towards his foot 

- stretch my left leg out all the way to his pelvis (keep holding his ankle with my left hand while doing this)


-push his leg to back (my right foot on the mat plays a role as a leverage to escape my hips)



-then i can grab his other ankle and go inside between his legs

- grab his belt with my right hand and pull him back

kick my legs pulling his belt to make him fall down to the mat then i can take his back.



